5 Live chat features that can improve the customer experience

Thursday, February 9, 2017

smiling customer support rep using laptop
Many customers, especially those who use their smartphones often, prefer non-voice customer support channels like live chat. Because of its convenience and instant availability, instant messaging has emerged as an effective tool that contact centers use to assist customers and help them solve product- or brand-related issues. This allows companies to increase client satisfaction and loyalty.

In addition to that, here are five specific ways by which customer service chats can improve the buyer's experience.

1.   Fast issue resolution
Chatting over the web or social media lets you reply quickly to clients' messages. Plus, it also lets agents multitask. Without halting the conversation, support reps can consult a colleague on how to solve an issue or access the organization's database to gather relevant information. They can also talk to multiple customers at a time, as long as they make sure not to sacrifice the quality of the conversations. All this ensures that clients receive straightforward and effective solutions to their concerns right away.

2.   Easy information retrieval

Since live chat platforms store messages in a thread or conversation view, both the agent and the customer can re-read their exchange of messages. Thus, customers can easily retrieve the details they need without having to repeat the information they've previously given. At the same time, agents can quickly review the customer's issue in full detail if they need to. This allows them to address clients' concerns more effectively.

3.   Well-crafted messages
Unlike the phone, chat platforms allow agents to review their reply and edit it before they hit the "send" button. This lets them craft messages more carefully, which minimizes errors and inaccuracies. It also lets agents ensure that the tone of voice they're using is positive, non-combative, and tactful. This helps prevent misunderstandings with a customer.

4.   Interactivity

Customers often regard live chat as engaging and interactive, since it enables you to provide answers in real time. In most cases, you won't have to make your clients wait before you can attend to them. In addition, because it's web-based, agents can send relevant links and other online information sources that a customer may find useful. This hastens issue resolution and enhances the customer experience.

5.   Wider accessibility
Through instant messaging, clients will be able to reach your company at any time of the day. You can thus cater to more customers and solve more issues. Plus, because it's accessible via handheld devices like tablets and smartphones, clients won't have any trouble contacting you. Providing your customers such a convenient customer support option can help you boost their loyalty to your brand.