Non-voice Customer Support: Proactive Customer Service and How It Can Help You

Friday, June 7, 2013

Non-voice customer support is oftentimes reactive: a customer complains, your staff responds. Unfortunately, taking the backseat in customer service could count as a backslash in today’s digital era. A single tweet from an unhappy customer could garner millions of views, depending on your followers. Would you rather wait for the negative comment than be proactive?

Proactive customer service

Proactive customer service is the act of anticipating consumer wants and needs before they ask for help. This is best defined by GM Social Media Process Lead Michael Savoni when he said “We don’t want to just be a robotic team responding to people who have issues. We want to be out there and help them.”

This includes keeping an eye on conversations and trending topics on social networking sites. For example, if a user tweets “I’m going to the shop today to check out a new truck!” somebody from Savoni’s team would respond, “How may I help you?”

Aside from being proactive, GM also has a specific Twitter handler for customer service issues. This helps the brand take consumer interaction to a whole new level.

non-voice customer support
How Proactive Customer Support Works

Proactive customer support could manifest in several ways, among them asking customers for feedback, correcting and announcing mistakes before customers react, paying attention to customer discussions, and having a live chat option, among others.

By anticipating consumer needs, companies are able to strengthen customer loyalty. A white paper from Aspect reveals that customers reward anticipatory services with “greater loyalty and long-term value.” This also means that companies can forego aggressive practices to harness more clients, as they already have dedicated clientele. Instead of spending millions on getting new customers, they can just spend a half million on a much needed resources.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if your customer support services are handled through social media, chat support services, or emails. What matters is your team’s ability to connect with clients and respond to their needs, even before they ask for assistance.

Open Access BPO offers voice-based and non-voice customer service responses. For a full list of our services, visit us today.